The methodology proposed, lays the guidelines to be adopted for the treatment of effluent water, suppression of dust and noise, check of flow or wash-off from dumps, check of depletion of water table or recharge of water table. The measures proposed to be taken to avoid the impact of mining on the national monuments, places of worship, national parks etc. are also clearly defined. Proposed measures to check adverse effects of mining on the socio-economic aspects on the habitations within and around the mining lease areas are also clearly indicated. There are also a host of precautionary measures proposed to minimize the impact of mining on adjacent agriculture fields, groves, forests and these guidelines are strictly followed by us for the entire duration of the mining process. Finally, measures are proposed for the restoration of land disturbed due to mining and other ancilliary activities to its original use or better use. Proper measures are adopted to reclaim the land disturbed by mining activity followed by proper afforestation. The pits which could not be refilled are allowed to hold rain water and serve as a source of water for irrigation or left out as it is, after land scaping and providing for protective measures.